Sunday, March 28, 2010

if i were.

if i were a month i’d be april, i love the showers,
if i were a day i’d be friday, i sleep in,
if i were a time of day evening,
if i were a font i’d be zapfino,
if i were a sea animal i’d be a tiger shark,
if i were a direction i’d be east,
if i were a piece of furniture i’d be a vintage chair,
if i were a liquid i’d be spring water,
if i were a gemstone i’d be zultanite,
if i were a tree i’d be a ginkgo,
if i were a tool i’d be a hammer,
if i were a flower i’d be a peony,
if i were an element of weather i’d be rain,
if i were a musical instrument i’d be a bass,
if i were a color i’d be green,
if i were an emotion i’d be blissful,
if i were a fruit i’d be a strawberry,
if i were a sound i’d be a rain shower,
if i were an element i’d be earth,
if i were a car i’d be a chevelle ,
if i were a food i’d be italian,
if i were a place i’d be a quite stream,
if i were material i’d be chiffon,
if i were a taste i’d be fruity,
if i were a scent i’d be grass,
if i were a body part i’d be hands,
if i were a song i’d be whimsical,
if i were a bird i’d be a hawk,
if i were a gift i’d be useful,
if i were a city i’d be london,
if i were a door i’d be rounded at the top,
if i were a pair of shoes i’d be sandals,
if i were a poem i would be about love.

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